Kari was packing her suitcase for the trip to Bridgeport, which they were leaving for the next day. They had it all planned out: Kari and Adrian would be a group, Travis and Marisa would be a group, and Jenna would be alone, while Jamie stays at the house and take care of Liza.
It was late at night, and Kari procrastinated with packing. Everyone else was already asleep, and Kari thought about a lot of things while she packed. What if she sees the killer? What if Kam is there? Will she be able to save him, and the rest of her friends if they came into danger?
Thinking about these things, she slipped a fairly large knife with a rubber cover into her jacket pocket.
As Kari got done with her packing, she changed into her sleep clothes and sat on the bed.
That night, she had the strangest dream she has ever had in her life.
Kari was tied up to a chair in a strange room. The dream was foggy, but Kari could make out some details. She saw her, and Kam, who was also tied up, and... Another Kari?
Four people burst into the room, breaking a wall, and there was some fighting between them and the duplicate Kari. The duplicate Kari was concentrating on something, and she mumbled a word.
Suddenly, there was a flash, and the real Kari felt lighter. After the four people were beaten, the woman got out a gun. There was some yelling between the two Karis, and then there was a gunshot.
"NO!!!" Kari yelled. She wasn't hurt, but someone else was. "Kam!!"
And then there was a big, white glow. The real Kari got up out of her chair, adorned in white clothing, and stretched out her hand, and the other Kari screamed and crumpled to the ground, unconscious. The four people ran over to Kari, who was cradling Kam in her arms.
The dream faded.
Kari woke up in fear. It was early in the morning, and everyone was already up and ready to go. Kari quickly got dressed and opened her door.
"Woah, Kari!" Travis was standing outside her door, just about to knock.
"Hi, Travis." Kari smiled a weak smile, obviously tired from the early morning, and shaken up by her dream last night.
"We're leaving now," Travis said, then noticed that she wasn't connected to the conversation. "Hey, you okay?"
"Oh, uh, yeah." Kari snapped out of her trance. "I'm fine..."
They drove, and flew, to Bridgeport in silence.
When they got to the airport, they saw that someone had hired two taxi's for them. One of the drivers handed Kari a note.
"Someone said to give this to you." The man handed the note over.
Plasma 501, 6 o'clock.
When they got to their hotel room, they went over the plan.
"Remember, stay in your groups, and act natural." Jenna said. "We don't want to alarm anyone."
"And if you see anyone suspicious..." Adrian said. "Just yell. We will all be able to hear you."
"Okay, well, let's go explore the town." Jenna said. "In our groups, of course. Meet at Plasma 501 at 5 p.m."
Kari and Adrian walked to the famous Bridgeport Bridge, while Marisa and Travis went to a small diner they heard about and always wanted to go to while they were dating, and Jenna stayed in the hotel room, waiting for the afternoon so she could see the city lights before it got really dark.
When 5 P.M. came around, everyone arrived at Plasma 501.
"Ready?" Travis asked.
No one answered; they didn't need to.
They walked in, and got dressed into their fancy clothes inside.
Marisa and Travis took the elevator to the top floor, and saw something.
"Karaoke!!" They both screamed, and ran up to the machine. Travis and Marisa loved doing Karaoke when they were in highschool. Travis let Marisa choose the song.

After some of the song played, "Everytime I hear your name" by Cascada, and after the intro played, Travis and Marisa started singing one of the verses that it skipped ahead to.
"Now I'm sure you found a girl to fill my empty space..." Marisa knew this song by heart.
"But I'm stuck with the love that we shared that time just cant erase..." Travis sang the lyrics on the screen
"I have tried to forget" Marisa sang, feelings rising in her
"Get you out of my head..." Travis sang the following lyrics
"But the memories won't fade..." Both sang together
"I can run" Marisa sang
"I can hide" Travis sang immediately after her
"From the feelings inside, but the pain wont go away!" They both sung at the top of their lungs.
"Cause everytime I hear your name, the world stops for a moment, yeah, baby with a single word, I can see your face again... And I'm taken back to what we had, everytime I hear your name..." Marisa turned to look at Travis now, and in a rush of emotions, they kissed.
Jenna was sitting at the bar, drinking her girly drinks, and watching out for anyone suspicious. After about half an hour, the bartender gave her a note.
"Hey, someone told me to give this to you at this exact moment in time..." The bartender looked kind of creeped out, but continued to work.
Meet me on the roof.
Marisa and Travis rushed off the stage after the kiss, and looked awkwardly at each other.
"Travis, I... I'm sorry, I don't know what happened..." Marisa tried to apologize.
"No, no, it's fine, really." Travis thought about Kari. "Let's just not mention this to Kari... Or Jamie."
"Agreed." Marisa laughed.
The piano started to play.
"I heard that you settled down, that you found a girl and your married now. I heard that your dreams came true. Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you..."
Travis turned around when he recognized the voice.
The woman disappeared.
Kari and Adrian were on the basement floor, underground, searching for suspicious people. Kari had a lot of time to think doing this, and really started to think hard about Adrian...
He found the body.
He found the bloodied couch.
He was always home.
He never, ever liked Hollie.
He didn't talk to Kari much since the events started happening.
"Oh my god..." Kari turned around to face Adrian. "It's you..."
"What? Kari..." Adrian looked surprised. Kari didn't care.
"It's you. It was ALL you." Kari was angry. She didn't even think about the possibility that she got her facts wrong.
"Kari, what are you---" Adrian was interrupted by the fact that Kari plunged a large knife into his stomach.
Jenna was standing up on the roof, looking at the city, waiting for the man who slipped her the note. She was scared to death; which was why she hadn't talked much since they got on the plane.
"Glad you could make it..." A deadly serious voice said behind her.
"Why are you doing this..." Jenna said, still looking at the city.
"Ehe, the woman asked me to..." He said. "Say your goodbyes now."
"I will..." Jenna screamed, alarming her friends.
Kari was in the basement, in shock after just stabbing her friend Adrian without thinking about what she was doing. She heard Jenna scream, and looked at Adrian with fear on her face.
"Just... Go..." Adrian said, gasping with pain.
"Al... Alright..." Kari ran up all 70 flights of stairs while calling Adrian an ambulance.

Kari got to the roof, and burst through, seeing Jenna and a man, and Marisa and Travis burst through right after her.
"W-Wheres Adrian?" Jenna asked.
"Erm... In an ambulance..." Kari replied, nervously, with a ping of regret.
"What!?" Jenna started to cry.
"He will be fine, I promise!" Kari said, then noticed the man in front of her.
"She told me specifically not to kill you." He looked at Kari.
"Oh my... You're..." Kari was at a loss for words. "You killed Hollie! And Mia!"
"Yeah, I did." The man looked calm.
"You... Evil... PERSON!" Kari screamed.
"Oh, so hurt." He still was aloof.
He walked over to Jenna, getting ready to push her.
"Goodbye, Jenna."
Jenna knew what she had to do. She grabbed the man, and making the biggest sacrifice, jumped off the roof, bringing the man with her.
"No, Jenna!" Kari screamed. Marisa and Adrian seemed shocked, and the man and woman fell to their dooms.
Until two friendly faces appeared and saved Jenna, leaving the man falling.
"Mia..." Travis gasped.
"Hollie..." Kari said, in a shocked tone.
They were all in a state of shock that their two dead friends saved Jenna from death. Mia walked up to Travis, and started singing him a song.
"I hate to turn up out of the blue, uninvited, but I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it. I hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded that for me, it isn't over..."
Travis started to cry, and hugged Mia, holding her for half an hour.
"Just let them have their moment..." Hollie said to Kari. "We visited Adrian, healed his wound. I mean, it's not all the way gone, but he won't. you know, be dead."
Jenna perked up at this. Kari knew she would be really mad at Kari when she found out what happened.
After half an hour of talking, Hollie and Mia seemed to fade.
"I have to go." Hollie said.
"No, wait, Hollie!" Kari didn't want her sister to leave.
"Kari, listen. There's something I have to tell you." Hollie rushed. "You are never safe, you are the charm."
Kari was startled by this, and only her and Marisa seemed to realize what she meant by this.
At the hospital, the police questioned Kari.
"I just recently watched a scary movie, and Adrian thought it would be funny to scare me..." Kari explained. "I overreacted, freaked out, and stabbed him."
"And what about the other man? Jacob Newman?" The police asked.
"Didn't know him." Kari said.
"My Baby! My Baby!" A woman ran in screaming and crying. Kari looked at her, and almost cried. She didn't feel bad about what happened with Jacob, but she felt bad for the woman, obviously her mother.
"Alright, guess we're done." The policeman was done "Your friend Adrian decided not to press charges, so you'll just have a fine for carrying a knife."
"Alright." Kari said. It wasn't as bad as what could have happened.
They flew home that night, and Jenna went straight to the nursery, and held Liza for hours. Marisa and Jamie sat on the couch, watching TV and cuddling all night. Adrian was in bed rest, and Kari and Travis lied in bed, not saying a word to each other, but having everything that was needed to be said implied by their crying.