Sunday, August 19, 2012

Chapter 19 "Legends"

Kari is outside playing with the other kids. She runs around, playing tag, like all other 8 year olds during the summer-time.

She looks over to her the end of her drive-way, to see a strange woman standing there, watching her and her best friends Jenna, Adrian, Marisa, Travis, Mia, and her twin sister Hollie play tag.

She gets curious, so she walks over to the strange woman.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"No one." the woman says.

"Then why are you here?" The naive little girl asked her.

"No reason." The woman kneeled down. "One day, you are going to be VERY special."

"Come on, Kari!" Jenna yelled, causing Kari to turn around for a second. "Come play tag!"

"Okay, just a..." Kari turned around to look at the woman, and she was gone.


Kari woke up from her dream, startled and scared. It all seemed so real, and she realized it was a memory that she had long since forgotten.

Kari looked around the dark room, wondering what that dream was about. Maybe it could have been the stress, bringing up forgotten memories, or it could have been something more...

Either way, she knew that she had to go talk to Jenna's mom about the story she heard yesterday.



Marisa woke with a scream, which consequently, woke Jamie up beside her.

"What!? What's wrong!?" Jamie got scared, and Marisa and Jamie both got out of bed.

"Nothing, but..." Marisa looked anxious and rushed.

"But? But what?" Jamie looked scared, thinking that Marisa had a terrible nightmare and was scarred for life or something.

"I have to talk to Kari..." Marisa rushed out of the room.

"Wait, now!?" Jamie chased after her, and into Kari's room, where she was already awake.

"Kari, we need to talk." Marisa said angrily.

"Wait, what?" Kari was genuinely confused. "You think... That I caused your wreck?"

"Well, I don't know, maybe..." Marisa said. "All I know is you were the last thing I saw before I swerved, actually the reason I swerved."

"You were talking to Travis on the phone, I was with him when you asked, you can ask him... Wait..." Kari thought a little bit. "Maybe this might have something to do with my dream..."

"What dream?" Marisa asked, even more curious now.

"I'll tell you when Mrs. Rose comes over." Kari said as she dialed a number into her phone.


"Hey, Mrs. Rose, come in" Kari let Jenna's mom, Lisa Rose, into her room.

"It sounded urgent, what's going on?" Lisa said, walking into the room silently.

"I had a dream..." Kari continued to tell her about her dream, and told her that she thinks it might be connected to the story Lisa told her. "So, can you finish the story..?"

"You have heard it before, haven't you? It's a legend famous in America, and I know your parents told you about it when you were a child..." Lisa looked at Kari, then just continued the story. "Well, you heard the part about the charm, yadda yadda yadda, here are the parts I cut out as to not scare baby Liza: That some speculate that the legend is real, and that she is still looking for the charm, but that the charm might actually be a person, and that the cursed woman needs to cast a spell, which she has yet to learn, then kill the person to gain her mortality, while the charm gains the cursed woman's immortality. But while the spell is cast, the charm gains immense power, so that they can protect themselves from the woman that is trying to take the mortality. But there is also a tomb in Starlight Shores, a very dangerous obstacle, that leads to a room that tunes out all magic, and that the woman will take the charm there, and cast the spell and kill the charm, while the charm has no way to defend itself..."

Kari stood there, scared by the story, but still not knowing why. Kari let Lisa out of her house, and discussed the travel plans with the rest of the house afterwards, as to not wake up Liza.


"So, we're really going to go to Bridgeport?" Jenna asked.

"Of course, I mean, do we really have a choice?" Kari looked at Jenna "I mean, they said Hollie, what else do we do?"

"Well, maybe it was a coincidence..." Jenna replied.

"Nothing is ever a coincidence, Jenna." Kari said, when she was interrupted by Marisa's phone ringing. Marisa walked downstairs into the bar and game room, and Jamie followed her.

"No, now don't call back!" Jamie heard Marisa yell.

"Who was that?" he asked.

"Um, my college..." Marisa said nervously. "They're asking when I am going to come back, and I told them I am going to drop out."

"It's okay, Risa" Jamie saw her eyes tearing up. "We've all had to make sacrifices in this situation. Kari, Travis, Jenna, and Adrian all have told me that they had to drop out of college when these problems arose."

"I know..." Marisa said, "It's just... I really liked college, and..."

Jamie hugged her and comforted her. "I know, it's okay, Risa... You'll be able to go back, once we get everything sorted out."

"I know..." Marisa started to cry. "I love you, Jamie..."

"I love you too, Risa."

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